Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I got a new hair cut and I put a highlight in my hair. This picture isn't very good but you get the idea.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Woot Woot

My ankle is healing nicely and I can pretty much walking on it now.
I am in my new apartment and there is 12 girls living here. But its okay. I love all my new roommates. I am going to get to go back to work next week.
Good golly I don't think I have anything else. Well if you think of something I haven't said then you are awesomer then me. HEE HEE!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So I decided to start a blog!!!! Im Bianca Tellez I'm 21 years old my bday is in Sept. I am currently enrolled in school at BYU-I. I broke my ankle May 14th and I'm just now getting to walking again, just slowly and not a lot of weight on it.
I am from Dayton, Texas and right now I would love to go back but alas I cannot. I'm a English Education Major with Math Education Minor. I know thats a lot and I know its gonna be tough but I love those subjects so why not.
I'm the oldest of 4: John (19) Josh (13) Nyah (10). My mom is Suzann ( her age will stay hidden lol). My father's name is Jose he passed away May 3, 2009, its been tough but with the Lord on our side we have gotten through and we are still treking on. I know he would have wanted it that way. So I think this will be it for now thank you for reading. :D